Monday, December 19, 2016

Designing for Metamorphose, Take 2

If you go back to May 2014, you will see a post about my participation in St Vincent DePaul of Lane County's Metamorphose challenge. You will read about how displeased I was with my work. It was enough to be a contributing factor in my lack of participation last year (on top of work schedule and emergency surgery). I almost didn't do it this year, and put my name in right before the deadline.

I was determined to not suck this time around. I only work several hours on Sundays, I watch my nephew in my home, and I didn't have surgery this year (yet), so I had very few excuses. I worked my ass off. I did a LOT of hand work. I figured out some techniques I could carry over to other projects. I reconnected with people I hadn't seen in a while, and I had a good time with relatively little pain. I didn't win, but the responses I've gotten since the show have been a great boost to my confidence, and I am quite please with how my looks turned out. Can always be better, of course, and I will likely improve on what I have left after Belle went through and kept a few things. But I'm not pissed at myself, and that's a HUGE win for me!